Consultation responses and briefings

WEN Wales regularly submits consultation responses on key issues for women in Wales to the Welsh Government, UK Government and Senedd committees, ensuring that our members’ voices and women’s voices are heard by decision makers.

We also write briefings for Members of the Senedd and Members of the UK Parliament ahead of significant votes and debates.

  • for the Senedd Reform Bill Committee
    April 2024

    Consultation response: Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill

    Download PDF [328KB]
  • for the Equality and Social Justice Committee
    February 2024

    Consultation response: Follow-up inquiry into childcare and parental employment

    Download PDF [244KB]
  • for Welsh Government
    February 2024

    Consultation response: Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28

    Download PDF [277KB]
  • for the Senedd Finance Committee
    November 2023

    Wales Women's Budget Group and WEN Wales joint response to Welsh Government's Draft Budget 2024-25

    Download PDF [1MB]
  • for the UK Parliament
    November 2023

    Consultation response: Cost of living crisis

    Download PDF [310KB]
  • for the Local Government and Housing Committee
    November 2023

    Consultation response: Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill

    Download PDF [214KB]
  • For the Reform Bill Committee
    November 2023

    Consultation response: Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Bill

    Download PDF [210KB]
  • for the Local Government and Housing Committee
    June 2023

    Consultation response: Diversity in Local Government

    Download PDF [220KB]
  • May 2023

    Briefing: Shared Parental Leave

    Download PDF [300KB]
  • March 2023

    Consultation response: Just Transition to Net Zero Wales

    Download PDF [225KB]
  • January 2023

    Consultation response: Electoral Administration and Reform White Paper

    Download PDF [198KB]
  • November 2022

    Consultation response to the Welsh Government Draft Budget proposals for 2023-24

    Download PDF [231KB]
  • with Women's Environmental Network
    October 2022

    Open Letter to Minister for Climate Change


    Climate Change and its Impact on Women’s Rights

    Download PDF [182KB]
  • July 2022

    Consultation Response to the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales

    Download PDF [206KB]
  • June 2022

    Briefing: Senedd debate on the report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform

    Download PDF [241KB]
  • for the Senedd's Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee
    May 2022

    Consultation response: Inquiry into the Cost of Living

    Download PDF [274KB]
  • WEN and ERS Cymru
    April 2022

    Briefing Paper: Job-sharing for Senedd members

    Download PDF [355KB]
  • January 2022

    Briefing: Diversity Quotas

    Download PDF [315KB]
  • for the Senedd’s Equality and Social Justice Committee

    Inquiry into Childcare and Parental Employment: Consultation response

    Download PDF [367KB]
  • In partnership with Fawcett Society, Women's Budget Group, Engender, Close the Gap, Northern Ireland Women's Budget Group
    March 2021

    Pushed to More Precarity: Wales

    Download PDF [1MB]
  • for the Welsh Parliament Elections 2021
    November 2020

    Manifesto for Closing the Gap on gender inequality in Wales, November 2020

    Download PDF [6MB]
  • for the Committee on Senedd Electoral Reform
    May 2020

    Electing a more diverse Senedd

    Download PDF [5MB]
  • for the UK Parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee
    April 2020

    Coronavirus and the impact on people with protected characteristics

    Download PDF [1MB]
  • for the National Assembly for Wales Committee on the Assembly Electoral Reform
    March 2020

    Capacity of the Assembly

    Download PDF [2MB]
  • for Members of the Senedd (MSs)
    March 2020

    UN CEDAW Briefing: Strengthening & Embedding Women's Rights in Wales

    Download PDF [1MB]
  • Briefing: The case for quotas to deliver equal and diverse representation

    Download PDF [209KB]
  • for the National Assembly for Wales Finance Committee
    January 2020

    Impact of Variations in National & Sub-National Income Tax

    Download PDF [2MB]
  • Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee of the National Assembly for Wales
    January 2020

    Local Government & Elections (Wales) Bill

    Download PDF [2MB]
  • for Welsh Government
    January 2020

    Strategic Equality Objectives 2020-2024

    Download PDF [3MB]
  • for Welsh Government
    November 2019

    A More Equal Wales – Commencing the Socio-economic Duty

    Download PDF [1MB]
  • for the National Assembly for Wales Finance Committee
    September 2019

    Welsh Government Draft Budget Proposals for 2020-21

    Download PDF [4MB]
  • for Welsh Government
    January 2019

    Connected Communities: tackling loneliness and social isolation

    Download PDF [420KB]
  • with Chwarae Teg, Women Connect First and Welsh Women’s Aid

    Our Manifesto: Equality for Women and Girls in Wales


    WEN Wales, Chwarae TegWomen Connect First and Welsh Women’s Aid published our manifesto as we have a vision of a Wales where every woman and girl is treated equally, lives safe from violence and fear and is able to fully participate in the economy.

    We want to ensure that Wales is the safest country in Europe to be a woman and that Wales is a truly feminist nation, where women and girls can flourish and actively participate in their communities. This document sets us on the path to achieve this.

    Our manifesto spells out the actions that need to happen to transform Wales into a country free from gender discrimination and ensure women’s rights are realised.

    Working together, gender equality in Wales can become a reality in our lifetimes.

    Download PDF [301KB]
  • for the National Assembly for Wales Equalities, Local Government & Communities Committee
    September 2018

    Diversity in Local Government

    Download PDF [364KB]
  • For the National Assembly for Wales’ Equality, Local Government & Communities Committee
    April 2018

    Inquiry into Pregnancy, Maternity & Work in Wales

    Download PDF [276KB]
  • Questionnaire for the Assembly Commission
    April 2018

    Creating a Parliament for Wales

    Download PDF [265KB]
  • for the National Assembly for Wales Finance Committee
    April 2018

    Welsh Government Draft Budget Proposals for 2019-20

    Download PDF [322KB]