Ein haelodau

  • 361 Life Support


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    100% user led organisation providing 361 Recovery and 361 Sober programmes to survivors of domestic abuse. Winners of the Marsh award 2020 for Innovative Peer support. We ask society – victim, survivor, what lies beyond?

  • Act Now Creative Training


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We are a team of associated creative trainers, facilitators and arts practitioners, based in Cardiff, Wales, with a collective 120 years’ experience and successful work in the arts. We want to share the unique and valuable processes that we use in the arts to empower people to create confidence and success.

  • Action for Asperger’s Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The charitable service has two main aims:

    The first is to counsel and emotionally support anyone aged 3 years and upwards that has a formal or suspected diagnosis of autism, autism spectrum or Asperger’s syndrome and who is going through a difficult time. Often the mainly neurologically typical world can be experienced as abrasive and harsh by the autistic individual and getting understanding and support for these hurt feelings is essential to healing.

    The second aim, but no less important, is to counsel and emotionally support anyone who is in a close relationship with an autistic individual; for example, if you are a parent and find that you are having to frequently advocate for your child to educators that are not “autism aware” can feel stressful and draining.

  • Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales


    Amgeuddfa Genedlaethol

  • Atal Y Fro


    Mae Atal y Fro yn darparu cymorth i fenywod a phlant ym Mro Morgannwg sydd wedi profi – neu’n dioddef trais yn y cartref.

  • (English) Autistic Women’s Empowerment Project


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The Awe project is a peer lead network  for Autistic Women around the UK. Founded by Autistic Women for Autistic Women. We are just Autistic Women who are reaching out to others who know and understand and together we are developing circles of support.

  • (English) Bangor Women’s Aid

  • (English) BAWSO


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Bawso is the lead organisation in Wales providing practical and emotional support to black minority ethnic (BME) and migrant victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, human trafficking, Female Genital Mutilation and forced marriage. Our vision is of a future when all people in Wales are free from abuse, violence and exploitation.

  • BHF Cymru


    Mae 340,000 o bobl yng Nghymru’n byw o ddydd i ddydd gyda baich clefydau’r galon a chylchrediad y gwaed. Rydym ni’n awyddus i guro torcalon yng Nghymru trwy barhau i ariannu gwaith ymchwil i glefydau’r galon a chylchrediad y gwaed er mwyn canfod gwell ffyrdd o’u diagnosio, eu trin ac, yn y pen draw, eu gwella gan achub bywydau.

  • Blaenau Gwent Comedy


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Comedy Promotion Service based in Blaenau Gwent and operates across South Wales.
    I run various comedy events and often attend the events as an individual, performing as a Free Lance Comedian.
    We support and encourage acts from any backgrounds and communities to attend our shows and encourage diversity in every way possible!

  • Brook


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Established for nearly 60 years, Brook is the UK’s leading sexual health and wellbeing charity for young people. We expanded our education services into Wales in 2019 and are able to provide relationships and sexuality education (RSE) for children and young people, training for professionals on a wider range of topics, and provide accessible digital information/resources at www.brook.org.uk.

  • Calan DVS


    Mae gwasanaeth trais Calan yn darparu ystod o wasanaethau arbenigol i gefnogi unigolion a theuluoedd sy’n profi cam-drin yn y cartref yn Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Brecon, Radnor a Dyffryn Aman.

  • Carers Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Carers Wales wants a society that respects, values and supports carers.

    Our mission is to make life better for carers.
    – We listen.
    – We give expert advice, information and support.
    – We connect carers so no-one has to care alone.
    – We campaign together for lasting change.
    – We innovate to find new ways to reach and support carers.

  • Cartrefi Cymru


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Cartrefi Cymru Co-op is a not for profit organisation. We mainly support people with learning disabilities in Wales. We are an innovative organisation that encourages the people we support, its employees and members of the community to be in control of one of Wales’ largest support providers. We celebrate everyone’s contribution. We build community. We co-operate.

  • Centenary Action Group


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The Centenary Action Group (CAG) is a cross-party campaigning coalition convened by Helen Pankhurst and represents over 100 activists, politicians and women’s rights organisations. CAG was established in 2018, 100 years since some women gained the right to vote, to eradicate the barriers that prevent a diverse range of women from taking part in the decisions that affect their lives.

  • Citizens Advice Swansea Neath Port Talbot


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Citizens Advice Swansea Neath Port Talbot provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to anyone about anything.
    Our Aims are to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.
    We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.

  • Cletwr


    Y Gymuned sydd biau’r Cletwr a nhw sy’n ei redeg.
    Menter ddielw ydyn ni, wedi’i sefydlu i ddod a’r gymuned at ei gilydd i ddiogelu cyfleustrau a gwasanaethau hanfodol yn yr ardal wledig yma.

  • Community Energy Wales


    Mae Ynni Cymunedol Cymru yn sefydliad dielw ar gyfer aelodau a sefydlwyd i roi cymorth a llais i grwpiau cymunedol sy’n gweithio ar brosiectau ynni yng Nghymru. Rydym eisiau helpu i greu’r amodau yng Nghymru sy’n caniatáu i brosiectau ynni cymunedol lwyddo ac i gymunedau ffynnu.

  • (English) Curtins


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Curtins are an award winning, leading consultancy working within the built environment. With a rich heritage that spans nearly 60 years, we are well known for our work as civil and structural engineers.

  • DASU North Wales


    Datganiad Cenhadaeth: Mae Uned Diogelwch Trais Teuluol yn darparu gwasanaethau ansawdd, gwybodus, cyfrinachol, sydd yn gwerthfawrogi a pharchu goroeswyr trais teuluol.

  • Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG)


    Menter gymdeithasol sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr yw DEG sy’n cefnogi gweithredu cymunedol ar hyd a lled gogledd orllewin Cymru. Rydym yn ymdrechu i gynyddu gallu ein hardal i ddelio gyda’r cynnydd yng nghost tanwydd ffosil, ac i wella ein amgylchedd naturiol a symud tuag at gymunedau di-garbon.

  • Derwen Accountancy


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Situated in Pontyclun, we are an independent chartered accountancy practice which offers a friendly and proactive service, utilising our wealth of experience. We tailor our approach to each client’s individual needs by firstly getting to understand them and their organisation, as well as their personal and business goals. Our goal is to help your business grow by providing a high level of service.

  • Disability Wales


    Anabledd Cymru yw cymdeithas genedlaethol Sefydliadau Pobl Anabl (DPOs) sy’n ymdrechu i sicrhau hawliau, cydraddoldeb a byw’n annibynnol pobl anabl yng Nghymru.

    Mae DW yn hyrwyddo mabwysiadu a gweithredu’r Model Cymdeithasol o Anabledd, sy’n nodi mai rhwystrau amgylcheddol, sefydliadol ac agwedd sy’n anablu pobl ac yn atal eu cyfranogiad llawn mewn cymdeithas nid eu cyflyrau meddygol neu namau.

  • Diverse Cymru


    Elusen Gymreig unigryw yw Diverse Cymru, sy’n ymroddedig i gefnogi pobl sy’n wynebu anghydraddoldeb a gwahaniaethu oherwydd oedran, anabledd, ailbennu rhywedd, priodas a phartneriaeth sifil, beichiogrwydd a mamolaeth, hil, crefydd neu gred, rhyw a chyfeiriadedd rhywiol.

  • ERS Cymru


    ERS Cymru yn gweithredu ar gynsail syml – gall gwleidyddiaeth fod yn well nag ydyw. Rydym yn ymgyrchu dros well democratiaeth yng Nghymru, a ledled y DU.

  • (English) Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST) Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team was set up in 2005 by a group of ethnic minority young people in Swansea.

    It aimed to fill a gap in provision for young ethnic minority people aged 11-25 by providing a targeted, culturally sensitive and holistic support service to meet their needs.

    Since then, EYST has expanded its mission and vision to also meet the needs of ethnic minority young people, families and individuals including refugees and asylum-seekers pan-Wales. It does this through the provision of a wide range of services including education, employment, health, family support and community safety. We also aim to challenge and counter negative stereotypes about ethnic diversity and to increase awareness and understanding about the diverse communities who live in Wales, improving community cohesion.

  • Eversheds Sutherland


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Eversheds Sutherland offers a legal service of the highest quality from our office on Callaghan Square in Cardiff. Our UK lawyers are both experts in the law and great people to work with. By building deep relationships we can fully understand your organisation and deliver advice that obtains the results you want.

  • Fertility Network UK


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Over 3.5 million people in the UK go through some kind of fertility challenge.

    Nobody should struggle alone.

    Whether you’re trying to conceive, going through treatment, or living without children, we’re here to help you.

    We know there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to fertility, so that’s why we offer a wide range of resources and support.

  • FOR Cardiff


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Representing Cardiff city centre businesses through the delivery of projects and campaigns that enhance the experience of Wales’ capital.

  • FTWW: Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales


    Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales (FTWW) yw’r unig fudiad trydydd sector yng Nghymru sydd yn cael ei arwain gan gleifion ac sydd wedi ei ymroi yn gyfan i iechyd a chydraddoldeb merched. Rydym yn cefnogi, addysgu ac yn argymell merched yng Nghymru sydd yn dioddef o nifer o wahanol afiechydon ac sydd ddim yn derbyn triniaeth digonol na theg.

  • Gee Communications


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Based in Wales, working for the Welsh community and beyond!
    Gee Communications Ltd offers a wide range of services from Design and Installation to Maintenance and Technical support, which allows us to provide a one stop shop to our customers.

  • (English) Girls Friendly Society


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Girls Friendly Society – providing opportunities for girls & young women to develop their self-esteem, emotional wellbeing and resilience since 1875.

  • Grasshopper Communications


    Mae Grasshopper yn asiantaeth gyfathrebu arobryn gydag ochr greadigol ac ymrwymiad i ymgysylltu â’r gymuned.

  • (English) Gwynedd Domestic Abuse Service

  • Hafan Cymru


    Cymdeithas dai elusennol yw Hafan Cymru sy’n cynnig tai â chymorth i menywod, ddynion, eu plant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru. Rydym yn cynnig dull holistaidd o ddarparu cymorth i fenywod, dynion a theuluoedd sydd ag ystod eang o anghenion – gan gynnwys y rheiny sy’n ddigartref, unigolion sydd wedi profi camdriniaeth ddomestig (gan gynnwys camdriniaeth gorfforol, rhywiol neu seicolegol); unigolion sy’n gwella o’u problemau iechyd meddwl, unigolion sydd â phroblemau o ran camddefnyddio sylweddau, a chyn-droseddwyr. Ein nod yw sicrhau y gall ein cleientiaid gynnal eu hunain mewn cartref annibynnol yn y gymuned.

    Mae ein cynlluniau’n amrywio o ran eu natur. Gallwn ddarparu tai â chymorth, cymorth yn eich cartref eich hun, lloches, ac amrywiaeth o brosiectau a rhaglenni. Ymhob achos, anogir y rheiny yr ydym yn eu cefnogi i helpu eu hunain a dysgu sgiliau byw newydd. Mae pob unigolyn a gefnogir yn cael pecyn cymorth wedi’i deilwra ar ei gyfer er mwyn diwallu ei anghenion, ac mae hyn yn galluogi pobl i ddatblygu’r sgiliau a’r hyder sy’n ofynnol i fod yn annibynnol oddi ar wasanaethau. Mae ein prosiect Symud Ymlaen yn darparu mynediad at hyfforddiant, addysg a chyflogaeth.

  • Health Education and Improvement Wales


    Mae Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru (AaGIC) yn ymroddedig i drawsnewid y gweithlu ar gyfer Cymru iachach. Rydym yn Awdurdod Iechyd Arbennig o fewn GIG Cymru yn eistedd ochr yn ochr â Byrddau Iechyd ac Ymddiriedolaethau.

    Mae gennym rôl flaenllaw yn addysg, hyfforddiant, datblygiad a siapio’r gweithlu gofal iechyd yng Nghymru, er mwyn sicrhau gofal o ansawdd uchel i bobl Cymru.

  • Holos Education


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Holos Education is a partnership that bridges the gap between formal and informal education; providing workforce development, consultancy and youth and family outreach services. Our practice brings together the person-centred philosophy of the youth & community sector with the qualifications and skills focus of the formal learning sector.

  • Honno


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The longest-standing independent women’s press in the UK

  • ieie Productions


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    ie ie productions is a Cardiff-based, bilingual production company founded by producer Catryn Ramasut and musician Gruff Rhys in 2005 to produce their award-winning debut feature documentary, Separado! Inspired by collaborative storytelling, cross art, animation and music they went on to produce groundbreaking, multi-platform project American Interior (a film, an album, a book, an app and a website) and build upon the company’s reputation for producing creative feature documentaries for the international market such as Sheffield Doc/Fest opening night film 2017, Queerama and 2021 Grierson Awards nominated for Best Music Documentary, Rockfield: The Studio on the Farm.

    Supported by the BFI and Ffilm Cymru Wales, the company’s distinctive vision embraces the culture of Wales, working collaboratively with writers and directors to produce authored, culturally impactful and entertaining films and television content for the global market. Creating space to forefront rarely told stories and deliver them with cinematic craft and emotional sensitivity.

  • JG HR Solutions Limited


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    JG HR Solutions Limited founded in July 2015 and are based in Mid & South Wales. We offer outsourced HR support to businesses throughout the UK. Using our vast experience in various industry sectors, both at operational and strategic level, we can confidently support any business with their HR needs.

  • (English) Karma Seas


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Karma Seas CIC was set up in response to a lack of diversity, inclusion, accessibility and affordability in sports, particularly surfing and other therapeutic beach activities.

  • Kumon Rumney Study Centre


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We offer Maths and English tuition to children ages 2-18, and work closely with their families in order to ensure their academic success.

  • Learning Disability Wales


    Elusen genedlaethol yw Anabledd Dysgu Cymru sydd yn cynrychioli’r sector anabledd dysgu yng Nghymru. Mae popeth a wnawn yn canolbwyntio ar greu Cymru sydd yn gwerthfawrogi ac yn cynnwys pob plentyn, person ifanc ac oedolyn gydag anabledd dysgu.

  • Llamau


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women. We are particularly well known for working with those most at risk – care leavers, people who have been involved with the criminal justice system, people who have experienced domestic abuse and people who have had chaotic and disadvantaged lifestyles.

  • MAECymru


    Elusen gofrestredig (rhif: 1165832) – Hybu cyfartaledd ac amrywiaeth i wragedd a gwŷr, lleyg ac ordeiniedig yn yr Eglwys yng Nghymru

  • (English) Merched y Wawr


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Pwy yw Merched y Wawr?

    • Merched o bob oedran.
    • Croeso cynnes i ferched sy’n dysgu Cymraeg.

    Ble mae’r canghennau a’r clybiau?

    • Mae dros 280 o ganghennau a chlybiau yng Nghymru – mae cangen neu glwb lleol i chi.
  • Miriam Siddiqi Coaching


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Set up to help women find their confidence to be their true selves. Promoting quality and diversity in the workplace through training/coaching/webinars.

  • National Federation of Women’s Institutes-Wales


    Sefyldliad y Merched yw’r sefydliad mwyaf i ferched yn y DU gydag oddeutu 215,000 aelodau mewn 6,300 o Sefydliadau (mae 16,000 o aelodau yng Nghymru). Mae’n chwarae rhan unigryw drwy alluogu merched i ddatblygu sgiliau newydd, cynnig cyfleoedd i ferched ymgyrchu ar faterion sy’n bwysig iddynt hwy ac i’w cymunedau, ac yn darparu amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau i aelodau cymryd rhan ynddynt.

  • National Theatre Wales


    Cenedl Cymru yw ein llwyfan.
    Rydym yn cyd-weithio gyda phobl a lleoliadau i greu theatr nodedig sydd yn ysbrydoli newid.
    O’r agos atoch i’r pellgyrhaeddol, mae ein gwaith yn bwerus, dewr ac annisgwyl. Wedi ei gwreiddio yng Nghymru, gyda rhagolwg byd-eang, ni yw’r theatr genedlaethol cyfrwng Saesneg yng Nghymru.

  • (English) North Wales Women’s Centre


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We aim to: Cultivate and advance the social and economic development of women in our community. Our centre provides a safe, non-judgemental and professional environment, which is female-only.

  • North Wales Womens Centre Ltd


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Established in 2001, the Centre operates from West Rhyl in the centre of the town (the highest ranked ward on the Index of Deprivation in Wales) and has helped over 1500 women improve their health, confidence, and livelihoods. The Centre provides dedicated services in close partnership with agencies from the statutory and voluntary sectors, and is supported by more than 60 volunteers.

  • Ogi


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We’ve operated as Spectrum Internet and Net Support UK for many years and after receiving a multi-million-pound investment have rebranded to Ogi which reflects our commitment to serving Welsh communities.

    We’re currently in the thick of our large-scale full-fibre internet deployment and on a mission to power up life online for homes, businesses and communities across South Wales!

  • Ovarian Cancer Action


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Action. One third of our name and 100% of what we’re about.
    And while we’re talking numbers, here’s another: one woman dies in the UK from ovarian cancer every two hours. Although five-year survival rates for ovarian cancer are improving, other cancers, such as breast cancer, had better survival rates two generations ago than ovarian cancer does today. We’re here to change all that.

  • Oxfam Cymru


    Our vision is a just world without poverty. We want a world where people are valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decisions affecting their lives.

  • (English) Port Talbot & Afan Women’s Aid

  • (English) Race Equality First


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The Organisation was established to work towards the principal of equality and creating a fair and just society. We offer a range of services dedicated to helping you.

  • (English) Rhondda Netball


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Rhondda Netball is a charity that was established in late 2016 to change the landscape of female equality and opportunities in one of the UK’s most deprived areas. Focusing on sport and netball as the main vehicle, we have already seen remarkable success in our short history. Our key objectives in Rhondda & Rhondda Cynon Taf are:

    – Fighting gender inequality and creating opportunities for girls and women.
    – Supporting mental health & improving emotional well-being.
    – Improving physical wellness and encouraging participants to live active healthy lives.

  • Rights of Women


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We are a women’s charity working in a number of ways to help women through the law.

    Our vital services aim to provide women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights. We also work to improve the law for women and increase women’s access to justice.

  • Scarlet Design


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We help our clients to tell their stories by creating effective and engaging hand-drawn and digital communications.

    Scarlet Design is a strategic design, visual facilitation and training consultancy, specialising in creating communication tools, for the corporate, local government and health & social care sectors.

  • Science Made Simple


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We find creative ways to reveal the wonders of science to all, connecting people with cutting-edge research to enrich lives, build confidence and answer questions.

  • Service Works


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We help the government and charity sector to develop and deliver services that work for citizens through consultancy and training. We help people in organisations apply user centred design – which means putting the needs of users front and centre.

  • Shelter Cymru


    Rydym ni’n helpu miloedd o bobl bob blwyddyn ledled Cymru sy’n cael eu heffeithio gan yr argyfwng tai drwy gynnig cyngor cyfrinachol ac annibynnol ar dai yn rhad ac am ddim. Pan fydd angen, rydym ni’n herio’n adeiladol ar ran pobl i sicrhau eu bod yn cael cymorth priodol ac i wella arferion a dysgu.

    Rydym ni’n bodoli i amddiffyn yr hawl i gartref diogel ac yn brwydro’n erbyn yr effaith ddinistriol mae’r argyfwng tai yn ei gael ar bobl a chymdeithas.

    Rydym ni’n gwneud hyn gydag ymgyrchoedd, cyngor a chymorth – a dydyn ni byth yn rhoi’r ffidil yn y to.

    Credwn mai cartref yw popeth.

  • Sian Jones Professional Coaching


    Hyfforddiant proffesiynol wedi’i gynllunio i helpu menywod i ddeall a defnyddio eu cryfderau a gwireddu eu potensial llawn.

  • Single Mums Business Network [SMBN CIC]


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The Single Mums Business Network is a CIC and exists to help single mums with work, enterprise and wellbeing. Supporting business exposure whilst actively raising awareness of barriers to work, homes and finance.

  • Social Firms Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    National Support Organisation for Social Firm Development

  • Soroptimist International Wales South


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement working together to transform the lives of women and girls.

    SI Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) has 6000 Members in 270 Clubs in 18 countries in Great Britain, Ireland and countries in Asia, the Caribbean and Malta, who work at a local, national and international level to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls.

  • Stepping Stones North Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Stepping Stones is a registered charity that provides counselling and support to adult survivors of sexual abuse in childhood, we cover the 6 counties of North Wales and our service is free of charge at point of need, We support families and provide access to a wide range of support services including education and 1-1 mentor support. This year sees Stepping Stones reaching its 35th year.

  • Stonewall Cymru


    Cenhadaeth Stonewall Cymru’s yw i sicrhau cydraddoldeb cyfreithiol a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol i bobl deurywiol a thrawsrywiol lesbiaidd, hoyw yng Nghymru.

    Ein nod yw helpu i greu Cymru lle gall pobl fod yn rhydd i fod yn nhw eu hunain, lle mae sefydliadau yn helpu i greu newid, lle mae agweddau’r cyhoedd yn gwella, lle mae rhagfarn yn cael ei herio, a lle mae deddfau yn amddiffyn pobl lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol a thraws.

  • Sustrans Cymru


    Gweledigaeth Sustrans yw bywydau hapusach a lleoedd iachach i bawb trwy’r ffordd rydyn ni’n teithio. Rydym yn cyflawni hyn trwy ei gwneud hi’n haws i bobl gerdded a beicio.

  • (English) Swansea University


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Swansea University is a research-led university that has been making a difference since 1920.

  • (English) Swansea Women’s Aid


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Swansea Women’s Aid is a women-only organisation which supports women, with or without children, who are affected by domestic abuse.

  • Taff Housing


    Rydym yn datblygu lleoedd gyda phobl, nid elw, mewn golwg, gan adeiladu cartrefi a chymunedau lle gall pobl ffynnu. Rydym yn berchen ar ac yn rheoli dros 1,500 o gartrefi ledled Caerdydd, gan roi rhywle i 4,000 o bobl eu galw’n gartref. Rydym hefyd yn darparu gwasanaethau cymorth i dros 1,000 o bobl ledled De Cymru, ac rydym yn tyfu, gyda’r nod o adeiladu cymaint o gartrefi newydd â phosibl.

  • Tai Pawb


    Tai Pawb yn Hyrwyddo Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ym Maes Tai yng Nghymru.
    Credwn fod gan bawb yr hawl i gael tai a chartrefi o ansawdd da mewn cymunedau diogel a chydlynol. Rydym yn gweithio gyda sefydliadau tai, mudiadau cydraddoldeb a’r Llywodraeth i leihau rhagfarn, gwahaniaethu, bod dan anfantais a thlodi ym maes tai.

  • Tal y Coed Associates


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Small fledgling business created in October 2021, focusing initially on British bakes with a Persian Twist and developing into a more challenging offer of fundraising and support to individuals and small organisations in finding their way around the Welsh national and local policy context.

  • Tanio


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Tanio is an organisation committed to providing access to a range of creative activities and interventions to different communities – both locally and internationally.

    Our work aims to enable a diverse range of people to develop skills, confidence and self-esteem through creative practices and community work. We believe that equipping individuals with the courage and self-assurance, which can be nurtured by creative self-expression, individuals and communities can be strengthened and enriched.

    Established during the miners’ strike in South Wales in the early 1980’s under the name Valley & Vale, the organisation has worked with countless people and communities using Community Arts as a vehicle for exploration and empowerment. After decades of work, we’ve naturally evolved over the years to align with what communities need from us, and in 2020, we rebranded as Tanio to align with our refreshed direction and purpose. Tanio means ‘to spark’ or ‘ignite’ in Welsh.

  • TCC (Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru / Together Creating Communities)


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    TCC (Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru / Together Creating Communities) is the UK’s oldest community organising charity. Based in North Wales, we are an alliance of over 35 diverse local groups, including community groups, faith groups, and schools.

    We bring people together and support them to run effective campaigns, meeting directly with decision makers to create change.

  • The Centre for African Entrepreneurship


    Mae ein gwaith yn mynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb a thlodi a wynebir gan grwpiau ethnig ac amrywiol yn ddiwylliannol yn Abertawe. Mae ein gwasanaethau’n torri ar draws canllawiau integreiddio ar gyfer ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches, gan ddarparu cefnogaeth gyfannol a chanolig i’r person hyn a grwpiau ymylol eraill. Rydym yn arbenigo mewn entrepreneuriaeth, cyflogadwyedd, a lles.

  • The Co-operative Party


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Political Party committed to promoting and defending all forms of co-operative and mutual enterprise

  • The Curious Coach


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    I am a qualified coach with 30 years’ of corporate business experience. I support women to achieve their career goals and optimise their wellbeing through building confidence and resilience. I am Pembrokeshire based and offer in person and outdoor coaching & mentoring. I also provide an online service via Zoom and so am able to work nationwide.

  • The Food Foundation


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    We are a charity with a mission to influence food policy and business practice to ensure everyone, across the UK nations, can afford and access a healthy and sustainable diet.
    We use inventive ideas to catalyse and deliver fundamental change in the food system by building and synthesising evidence, shaping coalitions, harnessing citizens’ voices and driving progress with impactful communications.

  • Elect Her


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Elect Her (formerly The Parliament Project) works to motivate, support & equip women in all their diversity to stand for elected office in all spheres of Government, providing them with the information, confidence and skills they need to do it.

  • (English) Townswomen’s Guilds


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Members of Townswomen’s Guilds offer each other support and stability in an increasingly fragmented society, with each member benefiting from a strong national movement that has remained a cornerstone for thousands of women across the UK.

  • Trans Aid Cymru


    Nod Trans Aid Cymru yw cynorthwyo pobl Trawsryweddol, Anneuaidd a Rhyngryw (TARh) gyda chefnogaeth cyd-gymorth. Cynhelir y prosiect gan bobl TARh er lles pobl TARh gan ei wneud yn gynhwysol ac â dealltwriaeth o anghenion y gymuned.

  • Unite Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Unite works and campaigns hard for a better deal for our members in Wales – in the workplace, the wider community and with the Welsh Government.

    We are committed to ‘making devolution work’ for working people, the Welsh economy and Wales as a whole.

  • Urdd Gobaith Cymru


    Ein nod yw sicrhau cyfleoedd trwy gyfrwng yr iaith Gymraeg i holl ieuenctid Cymru, gan eu helpu i ddatblygu’n unigolion cyflawn a’u galluogi i chwarae rhan adeiladol yn y gymdeithas.

  • (English) Wales Assembly of Women


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Wales Assembly of Women is an independent campaigning NGO accredited to the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Its representatives have attended every major United Nations world conference for women since 1985. It campaigns for women’s rights in Wales and the World. Membership is open to all women in Wales and to women with connections to Wales. It is funded by the membership and charity grants and receives no public money.

  • Wales TUC


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Wales TUC is the umbrella organisation for affiliated trade unions in Wales with just under half a million members in all sectors. We lobby and campaign for workers rights and provide a range of materials that support our trade unions and communities. We work in social partnership with employers and Welsh Government and work towards Fair Work for all.

  • (English) Welsh Judo Association


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Welsh Judo is the National Governing Body for Judo in Wales and as such, recognised by Sport Wales, the Commonwealth Games Council and British Judo.

  • (English) Welsh Women’s Aid


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women.

  • (English) West Wales Domestic Abuse Service


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Domestic Abuse Service (formerly West Wales Women’s Aid) was formed in 2012 after the merger of Aberystwyth and Cardigan Women’s Aid. We provide a free, confidential service throughout Ceredigion to anybody suffering or experiencing domestic abuse regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation or financial circumstances.

  • (English) Women Connect First


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Women Connect First was established on 1 March 2001, St. David’s Day, to empower Black & Minority Ethnic Women in Cardiff and South East Wales by offering a range of services and training in order to improve their livelihoods and employability. The organisation has moved on since and has expanded its services.

  • (English) Women4Resources


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    Women4Resources supports initiatives designed, managed and run by women and girls in Wales and Africa. Through the activities of our projects we support the United Nations SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.

  • (English) Women’s Archive of Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    AMC/WAW was founded in 1997. We are a non-profit-making organisation and a registered charity run by volunteers. We depend on members’ subscriptions, money donations and occasional grant aid to finance our work. We do not have premises which can be visited but work through our website and with our partners to achieve our aims.

  • Women’s Arts Association Wales


    Mae’n ddrwg gen i, mae’r cofnod hwn dim ond ar gael mewn English.

    The Women’s Arts Association is a non-judgemental, vibrant and responsive organisation committed to addressing isolation and exclusion experienced by women in the arts and the wider community.

  • YnNi Teg


    YnNi Teg Cyf. yn gymdeithas budd cymunedol sy’n berchen ar dyrbin gwynt ger Meidrim yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. Ein cenhadaeth yw helpu Cymru i ddatblygu dyfodol ynni glân, lliniaru newid yn yr hinsawdd trwy osod cynhyrchu ynni adnewyddadwy, a gwneud hyn mewn ffordd deg a democrataidd trwy ledaenu perchnogaeth a buddion ar draws y gymuned yn hytrach na chanolbwyntio yn nwylo’r ychydig.