WEN Cafe

WEN Wales hosts regular WEN Cafe online events over Zoom, offering opportunities for speakers and attendees to discuss a theme in detail, from policy to women’s lived experience. These discussions help to influence and inform our conversations with Welsh Government and other policy-makers regarding inequalities that women in Wales are experiencing. Each #WENCafe is advertised through social media and our members’ newsletter, which you can sign up to receive here. Tickets are available through WEN Wales’ Eventbrite page.

Sign up as a member for free and you will also gain access to member-only WEN Café workshops, such as our workshop with Women’s Environmental Network on the Feminist Green New Deal. Just click the green Join Us button at the top of the page. 

WEN Cafe Podcast

Subscribe to the WEN Cafe Podcast on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Google Podcasts, or Amazon Music. You can also watch a selection of previous WEN Café events on our YouTube channel. 

Upcoming events


Find all upcoming events on our Eventbrite page.

Previous events

Previous Cafes have included themes around the impact of Covid-19 on disabled women, Black, Asian, and minority ethnic women, and LGBT women, women’s caring responsibilities, global women’s rights, Universal Basic Income, and more. Watch recordings of the events on our WEN Cafe YouTube playlist. View summaries of previous events below.