Author Archive

Statement on the ‘Women of Covid’ Campaign

Wednesday August 26th, 2020

The publication of the Women of Covid list, as Chwarae Teg and Welsh Women’s Aid have both acknowledged, was unacceptable. WEN Wales is committed to working with the sector to tackle racism in all its forms. All white lists and panels are not and have never been acceptable and must not be tolerated. In consultation […]

Letter to Welsh Party Leaders: Equal Power, Equal Voice – gender parity and equal, diverse representation in Welsh political institutions

Wednesday August 5th, 2020

Today we wrote to Welsh party leaders, calling for Equal Power, Equal Voice, ahead of the 2021 Senedd elections and the 2022 Local Government elections:  5th August 2020 Dear Welsh Party Leaders, Re: Equal Power, Equal Voice: gender parity and equal, diverse representation in Welsh political institutions We are a coalition of 4 organisations calling […]

Self-care and well-being in the Welsh women’s rights movement, with Ceri Hayes

Thursday June 4th, 2020

“There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep and still be counted as warriors.” Adrienne Rich   As someone who has experienced burn-out and trauma as a result of my twenty years of work on women’s rights issues in both domestic and international contexts, I have had to learn the hard […]

We are recruiting!

Wednesday May 13th, 2020

WEN Wales is recruiting for a dynamic & committed Engagement & Communications Officer (Part-Time) to join our supportive team This brand-new role is about communicating the fantastic ground-breaking work that WEN does and transforming it into engaging, exciting and eye-catching content, that helps us deliver the change we need to see, to make Wales a […]

WEN Mentoring needed more than ever to ensure strong women leaders post Covid-19

Tuesday May 12th, 2020

Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, our 2020 Mentoring Scheme is well underway, online for the interim. We are also delighted to share the results of our 2019 Mentoring Scheme. Angharad Watson writes about her first WEN Mentoring Experience: Like all events this spring, the launch of the 2020 WEN Mentoring Scheme happened amid the coronavirus lockdown, […]