WEN Wales Annual Membership Survey 2017/ Arolwg Aelodaeth Blynyddol RhCM Cymru 2017
Thursday January 19th, 2017
Fill in our survey for your chance to win £50 of High Street Vouchers!
The Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales wants to create a fairer society in which women can live free from prejudice and gender discrimination and enjoy equality in all aspects of their daily lives. We aim to make sure that women in Wales are able to influence the decisions that affect them.
Our members are at the heart of everything we do and your views are extremely important to us. We really want to find out more about your experience of being a member of WEN during the last year and hear your views on how we should develop over the next twelve months.
We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill in our annual membership survey.
Please click this link if you would like to complete this survey in Welsh
By completing the survey you can also enter a draw for the chance to win £50 worth of high street vouchers!
The deadline for responses is Friday 10th February 2017
If have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email admin@wenwales.org.uk
Thank you in advance for your time.
Mair & Melissa
The WEN Wales Team