Statement from Welsh Women’s Organisations in response to the Announcement by UK government to the Consultation on the reform of the Gender Recognition Act / Datganiad gan Fudiadau Menywod Cymru yn ymateb i Gyhoeddi Ymgynghoriad ar ddiwygio’r Ddeddf Cydnabod Rhywedd
Mae Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Menywod Cymru, Chwarae Teg, Women Connect First a Chymorth i Ferched Cymru i gyd yn croesawu cychwyn yr ymgynghoriad ar ddiwygio’r Ddeddf Cydnabod Rhywedd. Rydyn ni’n cydnabod yr angen i ddiwygio’r ffordd y gall pobl draws newid eu tystysgrifau geni, i’w gwneud yn broses fwy hygyrch sy’n parchu pobl.
Gallwch lawrlwytho ein datganiad dwyieithog llawn isod.
Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales, Chwarae Teg, Women Connect First and Welsh Women’s Aid all welcome the opening of the consultation on the reform of the Gender Recognition Act. We recognise the need to reform the way trans people can change their birth certificates, to make it a more accessible and respectful process.
You can download the full bilingual statement below.
Trans Statement – Final 3rd July 2018 – bilingual