Archive for the ‘Campaign’ Category

Press Release: Feminist Scorecard 2020: gender equality could be set back by Covid-19

Monday April 20th, 2020

Women’s equality charity WEN Wales has published its second feminist scorecard with Oxfam Cymru as both charities warn the coronavirus outbreak could stall progress on making Wales fairer for women. The Feminist Scorecard 2020 covers six key policy areas and charts Welsh Government’s progress since 2019 towards achieving equality for women and girls. Over the […]

WEN Wales Highlights 2018/19

Sunday November 17th, 2019

WEN Wales has once again been at the forefront of transforming Wales into a country free from gender discrimination. Our work has been central to ensuring that Welsh Government lives up to its promise of being a Feminist Government and that Wales becomes a feminist nation. By connecting, campaigning and championing on behalf of all […]

Time’s Up on inaction a blog by Gwendolyn Sterk

Monday February 11th, 2019

Gwendolyn Sterk, Public Affairs Manager, at Welsh Women’s Aid writes about the Times Up movement in Wales. Time’s Up on inaction – we need to create the changes now! On January 2018 the international Time’s Up movement was launched as a unified call for change – together we’re calling time on sexual assault, harassment and […]

Why we need to ratify the Istanbul Convention – a view from Wales

Tuesday December 6th, 2016

By Eleri Butler, CEO, Welsh Women’s Aid Wales’ groundbreaking Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015 legislates to ensure public services take action to prevent violence against women in all they do, as well as protecting and supporting survivors through improved public services, and this provides the foundation to make real […]