WEN Mentoring Scheme: What to expect.

Friday January 31st, 2020

WEN Mentoring Scheme: What to expect.

Thinking of applying to WEN Wales’ mentoring scheme, but want to know more? Mentoring and Engagement Officer, Sarah Sweeney is here to give you the lowdown.

Who can apply?

Interested in Politics? You may be attending local branch meetings of your political party or be an active member of your community and want to know more about how politics works in Wales. You may be operating on the fringes of government and decision-makers, wanting to be closer to the heart of where change can happen. We have a number of Mentors from across the political spectrum that are keen to support the next wave of women in Local Authorities, the Welsh Assembly and Parliament.

Leanne Wood AM and WEN Mentor, says “It is a privilege to take part in something that has the potential to make such a big impact on the lives of women in Wales”

Interested in becoming a Board member for a public body or third sector organisation? You might want to know more about what board life entails, how to apply and make the most out of your current skills in a different setting. We work with some amazing women at the heart of boards and governance in Wales. A number of our Mentees from the last two years have gone on to serve as board members for Sports Wales, Health and Social Care boards and third sector charities, as well as becoming magistrates. 2019 Mentee, Rajma Begum said, “The skills and information I learned on the mentoring scheme, enabled me to be prepared for my application, interview and in my successful appointment to a Public Board.”

Do you run a small group or organisation and need support with board recruitment, governance, and strategic direction? Or you are campaigner/activist trying to bring about social change and want to know how to access decision-makers on a local and national level?  Fair Treatment for Women of Wales (FTWW) Founder and mentee, Debbie Shaffer said, “The scheme gave me the opportunity to develop valuable skills and increased my knowledge of those mechanisms in Wales by which we’re all governed”

This scheme is open to all women in Wales who want to make a difference to Welsh life and be connected to a network of brilliant women and their work. We want to get more women involved in Public life, after all, we can’t be what we can’t see!


If you are successful, we’ll let you know on March 16th 2020. We then match you up with a brilliant mentor to help you get the most out of the scheme and your professional development. These matches will be based on your aims and objectives in your application. Once matched and introduced, you will be responsible for arranging meetings with your Mentor at a time best suited to you both.

Training Days:

We have a schedule of training sessions, of which we expect participants to attend at least FOUR during the Programme, not including the launch.

27 March 2020 – Launch Event & Induction. Norwegian Church, Cardiff Bay 10am-4pm.

18th May 2020 – Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London (all-day – early start!)

10 June 2020 – Welsh Assembly, Politics and Decision Making

24 June 2020 – Local Government

15 July 2020. Life in the Public Eye (Part 1) & Speed Networking

9 Sept 2020 – Being on a Board

14 October 2020 – Campaigning

18 November 2020 – Life in the Public Eye (Part 2)

The scheme allows you to meet some of the key decision-makers in Wales, such as Ministers, MPs, AMs, and Commissioners as well as learn about how to influence decisions and hone your public speaking skills. The three key elements of training days, mentoring and peer support from your cohort of mentees all add up to make this a life-changing experience

We hope this information has helped and inspired you to apply!

If you need any further information, please email Sarah Sweeney mentoring@wenwales.org.uk

NB: Due to the volume of applications we receive, we will not be able to feedback on unsuccessful applications.