Invitation to Tender: Fundraising for WEN at Ten

Tuesday May 11th, 2021

This is an invitation to experienced fundraisers – help Women’s Equality Network Wales celebrate our 10th Birthday with the WEN at Ten project! Download the full tender document here or read on below.

  1. About WEN Wales:

Our vision is a Wales free from gender discrimination. A Wales where all women and men have equal authority and opportunity to shape society and their own lives. We are a membership organisation formed in 2011 that reaches over 34k people.


  1. What is the project and why it is needed?

On Tuesday 16th November 2021 it will be ten years since WEN Wales was officially ‘incorporated’ as an organisation. We want to celebrate the anniversary and all we have achieved in partnership with our wonderful members, while looking ahead to our next ten years. From 16th November, we will begin a 10-day celebration and funding push across all our channels with #WENatTen.


  1. Project objectives:
  • To celebrate our 10th Anniversary
  • To use the anniversary as a fundraising opportunity
  • To use the anniversary to expand our membership base


  1. Project outcomes
  • Raise a minimum of £10k funding
  • Reach 10k people


  1. What work is required

We require an experienced fundraiser to:

  • Create the Case for Support for this work
  • Fine tune and finalise the plans and ideas that WEN has already generated, including at minimum:
    • 1 commercial partnership with a business
    • 1 partnership with an organisation
    • Formulation and execution of ten ways to support #WENatTen, including fundraising opportunities
  • Create a timeline for the delivery of the plans
  • Lead the delivery and execution of the plans, with WEN support
  • Evaluate success

Approximate Budget: £5k for your time to deliver the plans


  1. Who you will be working with

You will be working with our friendly team at WEN:

  • The Director of WEN will be responsible overall for the work. She will support you in developing the Case for Support, the ideas, and linking up with our extensive WEN networks
  • You will also liaise closely with our Communications and Engagement Officer who will support you and execute the communications elements of the work
  • Our Admin officer will also provide admin support for the events / work planned.


  1. Activity timeline:

May: Publish invitation to tender
June 7th: Tender closes
W/c 14th June: Contract awarded
June – Oct: Organise activity
Nov 16th: 10-day campaign goes live
Dec: Evaluate the activity


  1. How to respond to the tender and how consultants will be selected:

Deadline for submission: 10:00 Monday 7th June 2021

Send a proposal of no more than 4 pages to us setting out:

  • How you would approach the work and achieve the objectives and outcomes, including an indication of support you would need from Team WEN (20 points)
  • A month-by-month work plan showing activity that will be undertaken (10 points)
  • Your previous, relevant fundraising experience (10 points)
  • The budget (10 points)

Tenders will be scored as above, with a maximum available of 50 points.

Shortlisted tenders, i.e., those scoring above 45 points, will be notified by 9th June and presentations arranged, if necessary, for Friday 11th June.

If you have any questions, please submit to