Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill Stage 1 Report
The Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee has published its Stage 1 Report on the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill. Following our consultation response to the Committee in November 2023, the report contains a number of recommendations supported by WEN. Read on for an overview of those recommendations from the report.
Recommendations around violence against women, domestic abuse, and sexual violence (VAWDASV)
On training:
“Recommendation 25. We recommend that specific training to assist under-represented groups in dealing with abuse and harassment should be included in the services listed in section 28(5).”
On safeguards around the open register:
“Recommendation 9. We recommend that the process of applying for anonymous registration should be as simple and as flexible as possible. We believe that the Welsh Government should consider not imposing a requirement to provide evidence in support of an application.
Recommendation 10. We recommend that once a person has been registered anonymously, they should not be required to re-new their anonymous registration annually. Instead, the anonymous registration should stay in place until a person actively opts to change that arrangement.
Recommendation 11. We recommend that the Welsh Government amends the Bill to include a duty to remove the open register for Welsh elections prior to undertaking pilots relating to electoral registration without application.
Recommendation 12. We recommend that the Welsh Government commits to ensuring that stakeholder organisations representing vulnerable groups be involved in planning pilots relating to electoral registration without application.
Recommendation 13. We recommend that, prior to undertaking pilots relating to electoral registration without application, the Welsh Government should set out how the pilots will assess whether the 45 day timeframe an individual has to respond to the notification is sufficient.
Recommendation 14. We recommend that, should the Welsh Government decide to implement the provisions on electoral registration without application, this should be accompanied by a campaign to raise public awareness of the changes. Such a campaign should include, but not be restricted to, making information available in accessible formats, online and in hard copy and in a wide range of languages.”
Recommendations on the candidate survey
“Recommendation 22. We recommend that the Local Government Candidate Survey should include core questions in relation to candidates’ experience of abuse and harassment.
Recommendation 21. We recommend that the Local Government Candidate Survey should include a question relating to candidates’ caring responsibilities among the core questions.”